seeds not germinating!!! HELP!!!!q


Active Member
okay, so i have some cali skunk seeds. i didnt order these, just found them in some buds. i put about five in a wet paper towel and wrapped em up. put that in a glass with some water in it, about half ounce. covered it up with another cup, and put it on my heating pad, which is turned on low.

this was almost a week ago.


another seed i dropped into a shot glass of water. checked in 24 hours and gave it a poke to help it drop to the bottom, which it did. i put the cup back over the shot glass, and sat it back on the heating pad. which is turned to low. this was a few days ago.

and nothing. only thing different is the water in the shot glass is now cloudy.

am i doing something wrong? using bunk seeds? just being impatient?

anyone please anyone help!!!!


Active Member
well the seeds might not be any good, a good test is to drop one in a hot fring pan and if it craks its good.