Seeds Not Germinating


New Member
How do you guys germinate seeds in the fall/winter? I had no problems in summer but now i have them in a cup of water, put it in the dark, its been 36 hours and out of ten seeds i have yet to see one of them even start to open.

Chem Dawg

New Member
My method germs in 12-24 hrs.. Well not really "MY" method but u get it.. Soak a paper towel with water temperetured for root zone ( not to cold ). Fold into a couple layers then squeeze out water until its damp and not soaked. Place seeds in middle of paper towel and fold twice. Place on a small plate and cover with clear food wrap. Then cover the plate with a piece of black material t-shirt or whatever.. Place a thermometer on the top and make sure it stays @ 78f. I put mine in my veg cab that runs 24/0. I just stack the plate on something until its @ 78f. I've had seeds germ in as early as 12 hrs..


Active Member
I also use the weet paper towel. I fold it up and put it into this travel coffee mug I have, the one with the lid and the two vent holes on top. Works like a champ. Although it does take longer than 12 hours, but only a day or two. How much water are you using ? You can rot the seeds if you use too much water. Thats why I use a damp paper towel, because there shouldn't actually be any water in your container. Seeds only need a small amount.

Chem Dawg

New Member
I also use the weet paper towel. I fold it up and put it into this travel coffee mug I have, the one with the lid and the two vent holes on top. Works like a champ. Although it does take longer than 12 hours, but only a day or two. How much water are you using ? You can rot the seeds if you use too much water. Thats why I use a damp paper towel, because there shouldn't actually be any water in your container. Seeds only need a small amount.
Yeah the top or clear plastic just keeps the humidity levels high. Also keeps you from having to continuously monitor the dryness of paper towel.. And not all of my seeds germ in 12 hrs but I've had quite a few. Most in about 24 hrs and a very rare few go beyond 36 hrs.


Active Member
Yeah the top or clear plastic just keeps the humidity levels high. Also keeps you from having to continuously monitor the dryness of paper towel.. And not all of my seeds germ in 12 hrs but I've had quite a few. Most in about 24 hrs and a very rare few go beyond 36 hrs.
Thanks for the tip, I will try it that way next time. My way gets the job done, but if I can shave a day off the process sweet !!! This dude says he had them in a cup of water, I bet he rotted those seeds out !!!

Chem Dawg

New Member
Thanks for the tip, I will try it that way next time. My way gets the job done, but if I can shave a day off the process sweet !!! This dude says he had them in a cup of water, I bet he rotted those seeds out !!!
I'm not to familiar with the seeds in water method but I know there are some who use it. I've never had to try anything else.. Give it a whirl man I just plant my pre 98 bubbas that were germed Wednesday morning @ like 2 am. Tap roots were all a quarter inch to a half an inch. And they would been planted this am but the holiday and all. It's not full proof but it works for me. Peace!