Seeds Out of bag...?


Well-Known Member
image.jpg found two of these babies in some of the best weed I've ever smoked,
I got it from a club in sac
(Not that it matters but its called animal cookies, supposed to be fire og x gsc)
What are the odds if I plant it,
It will come out like the weed it came out of ???


Well-Known Member
Looks a little premature. IDK, bro. Toss it in some water, and see if it shits roots. I will err on the side of caution and give you a 70/30 chance.

Best of luck. Don't fuck it up!


Well-Known Member does look a little premature like Pinworm said but I think it should make it, but as far as coming out the same? you might get a similar pheno but the odds of it being the same are slim.That doesn't mean something good won't come out though, but hey, only one way to find out......good luck!