Hey everyone! I'm about ready to finish my first rotation, a couple turned into hermies but oh well. I brought in another 2 plants as part of my second rotation, they just happened to overlap with the first. The one is doing great, actually the best looking one I've ever had. The second one however, reminds me of the first one that turned into a hermie. Incredibly long pistils and not a lot of resin, however the buds are quite big. However, on the lowering branches it started growing clusters of seeds, like a male. They were together in fours, there's no way they could have been pollinated like this right?
I haven't had a male in my flowering room since I first started flowering and even then it was just starting to show it's sex, was only hardly showing it's sacs. Yet, I'm still getting clusters of seeds.. I've never found a nanner in any of them so I'm not even sure that I actually had hermies the first time.. So what's going on? Why are they randomly getting pollinated with no nanners or males to be found? I mean I don't even have a fan in the room currently. There can't be any pollen in the room because the two I brought in on my second rotation are right next to each other; one has a bunch of pre seeds and the other has NONE. I went ahead and mixed up my second batch of Dutch Master Reverse and sprayed it to see if it'll take care of the seeds like it did the first time.
So does anyone who has more experience than me have a clue as to why they're doing this?
I haven't had a male in my flowering room since I first started flowering and even then it was just starting to show it's sex, was only hardly showing it's sacs. Yet, I'm still getting clusters of seeds.. I've never found a nanner in any of them so I'm not even sure that I actually had hermies the first time.. So what's going on? Why are they randomly getting pollinated with no nanners or males to be found? I mean I don't even have a fan in the room currently. There can't be any pollen in the room because the two I brought in on my second rotation are right next to each other; one has a bunch of pre seeds and the other has NONE. I went ahead and mixed up my second batch of Dutch Master Reverse and sprayed it to see if it'll take care of the seeds like it did the first time.
So does anyone who has more experience than me have a clue as to why they're doing this?