Seeds won't germinate


Well-Known Member
I threw several seeds that a well meaning friend gave me into a small glass of water three days ago. They aren't doing squat! I'm wondering if I haven't given them enough time or if maybe they've past their expiration date. I would think that they'd be fine but I wanted to ask. Thanks to anybody who can advise me! Peace...:joint:

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
If their floating then poke to see if it sinks. If it won't sink by now then it was cracked before soaking. If any sink then wait longer. Some older seeds can take up to 2 or 2 1/2 weeks to germ.*very rarely*


Well-Known Member
some sank and then I gave the remaining ones a little push and they all went down. Will keep checking on them, thanks! oh, I've changed the water twice, is that cool or should I leave it as is? also, should they be in the dark? I can't remember....


Well-Known Member
I have a germination technique that virtually works every single time. It NEVER failed. Get a piece of sponge, cut into the middle of it so there is a flap like it has a mouth. put the cube of sponge over the foucet running warm water. Get it pretty wet, somewhere between damp and soaked. Afterwards, put the seeds inside the "mouth" of the sponge. Now sit it somewhere dark and warm. What I do is after the seeds are placed in the sponge, I put it in a porcelean bowl. Over the bowl, I put a heating pad on medium. That way, the heating pad is not touching the sponge, just directly over it. You want to keep it somewhere dark.

For your current situation however, I would just take out the seeds and try this technique. Works everytime man. Germs usually occur for me in 18 hours.


Well-Known Member
My advice here is to simulate spring, get a bowl and put an inch or two of seed starter mix in it and soak it, dump out the excess but keep a good amount of water there. Insert seeds and place somewhere warm. Check moisture of dirt daily.


Well-Known Member
That's the dumbest method I have heard of - at least this week.
I'm sorry that my dumb method was even pondered by your greatness. Your post has helped so much, so in depth and inciteful.. I wait on baited breath for another poetic post from the likes of you. God forbid I cross the amazing "Hotrodharley" as you flourish your prestigous reputation on a weed growing website.........

Oh wait, you're a dork whose probably extremely good at growing weed..And thats probably about it..Please, tell us more.


Active Member
Don't forget heat. Seeds like a little to get started but not too much.

What works for me is just what you've done but just soak them in water for 24 hours. Then put them into a damp paper towel inside a zip lock bag. Place the bag on something that continuously gives off some heat.

I put the ziplock bag on top of my TV (PVR), seems to be enough. I've also read other place them on their router, i think you get the point now.

- SB -

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
yeah harley that was pretty uncalled for. To insult then not offer a proper solution or at least some form of advice is very ignorant.

People ask questions for their own gain. Not yours.

I agree with the paper towels. Seems to be the easiest, most successful way I've done. I've never had a good seed not sprout.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Oh wait, you're a dork whose probably extremely good at growing weed..And thats probably about it..Please, tell us more.

if your extremely good at growing weed, do you really need to be good at anything else?

of course you do but who cares as long as you can grow the dank.

with that being said, i would never use a sponge.

most people just plant in dirt.

i prefer a 12 -24 hour soak in warm area, then in moist paper towel in same warm area and the pop within 12- 24 hours. i plant them into soil and they pop through within 24 -48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Lots of great tips ya'll, I think I will try the soil method and placing them on my waterbed heat mat... the paper towel method, it has worked for me in the past but it was a pain in the ass getting those boogers off and I ended up losing several of them :wall:


Active Member
Well you could just soak them 12-24 hours and then plant them in the ground. Paper towels don't rush anything. Like someone told me. That is just a method to discover what seeds sprout. For good (bank) seeds there is no need of it. Don;t forget tot keep them warm. It helps alot. but not too hot.