Seeds won't sprout?

Xen Cuts

So I bought somefeminized seeds a while back. Te guys at store said to put them in a glass of water and wait for them to crack before planting them in soil. Being the impatient man that I am, after only two cracked, I planted them. Now after about a week, two plants have broken through the soil, and are sitting at about 2 inches, while the other two show no sign of life. Do you think I should buy some more seeds soon or wait it out? Like I said, my patience is horrible.


bud bootlegger
first of all, patience is like super important for growing as you'll soon find out.. nothing at all comes quickly with growing, and the more you rush things, the worse off you'll be..
but, saying that, just wait them out.. being that they didn't germ before you planted them, you're now going to have to wait for them to germ in the soil and for them to grow some..
make sure to keep your soil moist, not soaking wet, but moist, and a nice warm temperature of like 80 degrees or so.. no need for anykind of light for plants that haven't broken the soil yet. just give them some more time.. i'd say if they haven't broken the surface in two weeks or so, then it would be time for you to start over..


Well-Known Member
Thats right , keep warm and moist, not in a glass of water (like dopey at the store advised you)that can get too cool. Wet paper towels on a heat mat.