

Got a load of seeds from years ago I am thinking about using they are from a crop that got left to long, what are the chances of getting any females
Got a load of seeds from years ago I am thinking about using they are from a crop that got left to long, what are the chances of getting any females

You can increase your chances by making sure there is a good nitrogen and warmer conditions. cooler conditions create more males
Temp matters on seed sex? I figured it was predetermined during pollination
Well I read that in the Marijuana book by J.C. and that's what they explain in the book. it's in the first few pages if you want I can type in here of there methods. I have did it that way and have had almost all females come up. 1 or 2 males out of maybe 40 times
Here's the Page
Grow more Females From Seed.
Environmental factors start influencing sex the moment the seedling has three pairs of True leaves ( not counting cotyledons).
Environmental factors that influence sex determination of cannabis include but not limited to:
Increasing the level of nitrogen makes more females plants. Lower the nitrogen level to create more male plants. Increase the level of potassium to increase the male tendencies. lowering the potassium level encourages female plants. A higher nitrogen level and lower potassium level for the first two weeks increases females.
Low temps increase the numbers of female plants. Warm temps Make more male plants.
High humidity increases the male plants.
Low Growing-medium moisture increases Males.
More blue light increases the number of female plants. More Red light increases male tendencies.
Fewer hours or daylight (e.g. 14 hours) increases the number of females. Longer days (e.g. 18 hours) make more male plants
Stress: any environmental stress tends to yield more male plants when growing from seed.
I hope that helps somewhat.

This comes out of the Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor Medical Grower's bible.

Jorge Cervantes
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