
a buddy came thru lastnight with sum kush and i found a seed its small and white but not cracked.Are white seeds bad?And if not how can i store this guy till its time?


Small white seeds usually won't germinate because they are immature seeds. You can store seeds anywhere. Some people like to refrigerate them or even freeze them. Seeds should last for years. If you are looking to grow, I suggest buying from a seedbank online. You usually only find seeds in ditch weed, or weed that was poorly grown, because the grower wasn't smart enough to kill the male plants before the pollinated the females.


Small and white will equate to it crumbling in your hand under any pressure. You want dark, hard, mottled seeds. These have the highest rate of germination. The seed isnt worth your time. Also bagseed is always a gamble. i.e Was is really kush? As akilleez said if you want seeds then go through a seed bank. It's their job to make high probability seeds. From that point you can breed your own if you wish as well

Illegal Smile

Store seeds cool and dark and dry. Don't freeze or super cool. I keep mine in a small pouch with several desicant packets to keep dry (like you find in packages of cookies and such). Then that pouch in a brown padded envelope and that in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. They say seeds can be kept 10 years, but the probability of them germinating goes down after about 2.
thanks for the replys guys and yes it was really kush i never can find a big brown seed in the batch:cry: so fuck it ill just buy some.oh yah and the seed is white but its not small.