Seedsman, Indian Skunk


Well-Known Member
Genetics: South Indian Kerala x Skunk No. 1
AKA: "Kerala Krush"
Variety: Mostly Sativa (87.5%)
Flowering Period: 10 weeks

South Indian Kerala crossed with Skunk No.1. It has the look of skunk with the taste and smells of India.
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Fruity Pebbles and Lilacs

High: Straight ahead speed weed. There is no body only high. Clear mind and clarity. No fuzzy thoughts. Chatterbox. Enhances your positive personality traits. For example, if you have the gift of humor, you'll be even funnier. If you are a gentle soul, you'll be even gentler. It feels like it is easier to be your best self, and find the groove of expressing your best self. With my friends I feel like I've known them since birth and we are eternal friends.

Years ago I worked at Starbucks Coffee and was responsible for opening in the morning, usually 4:30 or 5 am. My ritual was one double shot at open, one double shot mid-shift break, one double shot 30 minutes before shift change. Six doubles a day, everyday takes a toll: Heart palpitations, stomach acid, head-aches, and withdrawal. Now I can only tolerate a half-cup of coffee if I'm lucky. So imagine my joy when I first tripped with the Indian Sativa and found that this strain hits hard like the end of that sixth double shot. I feel as alert and amped as I did before my coffee addiction got ugly and the best part is there are none of the negative side-effects of coffee.