Seeing Transfi

omg thanks for reminder ill be sure to bong rip, .3+ haha then at movie hit my ecig (thc) and mflb hahaha I'm excited! on shit I forgot I got dome Brownies
Mee Too! But unfortunatly I dont have any kush right now anyone in the NJ area lol? I hope they bring back that silver car (the black guy's voice) he was tight! ANyone ever see a 3D film? Does the image really jump off the screen at all?
im about to head out the door, contimplating whether to get baked now, or after the 45 min drive, or just go sober..

Ill be sure to let you all know which one i choose and which format i see (2d/3d) im wanting to see the 3d one, but not sure yet ;)
I dunno, I hate Michael Bay movies. He hopes you won't notice the plot sucks by throwing lots of CG and shit blowing up at the screen and seeing what sticks. I saw the first 2 and have no desire to see the third