Seeking information


Active Member

I live in BC and just got my forms all sent out.I am a bit confused with these new laws in the future-are they a for sure thing? Or is there a date that I should be marking on the calender with a vote or ruling?

I have heard to many things I would love to hear the facts.Is there a chance it wont happen?


Active Member
you can always say that theres a chance that it wont happen the government can do what it wants when it wants pretty much. health canada had a 75 day comment period on the program but that has ended i believe and all patients and growers permits will expire april 1 2014 i think someone correct me if im wrong. there gonna do something by the sounds of everything they are gonna go through with these new reuglations even though most patients are pissed about the whole idea. lets just cross are fingers and hope!