Shaggy Green
Has anyone ever wondered how many self-proclaimed assholes have popped up in the past two decades because of the internet connecting every little thing with our lives?
It is amazing how suddenly forums, social networks, and chatrooms today are filled with angry people who need professional help use the internet to treat everyone like a pile of shit. What happened to smoking some weed or having a few beers and chilling the fuck out?
Even this place has it's losers, idiots, and disrespectful assholes writing posts either because they think their material is cute and funny or simply because they have no self-respect and find it hard to share respectfully with others.
The other crazy thing are the people that truly believe the world will be destroyed very soon because of all of the "mad" people in the world today. I believe there has been other decades in our past that if you gave them the internet and iphones with social network sites during World War II...yeah, people back then would have said the same thing!
I met a guy in Paltalk that I only remember as a nickname of I don't know his full call sign because it has been years, but he runs a political chat group and is literally on the chat 18hrs a day...yet he claims to be a practicing lawyer who sounds like an evil Bill Cosby! lol
He is entertaining, but offensive and his ego just echoes through that room to the point in which will make you disgusted.
If your a Paltalker you can find the room titled 'Mainstream Politics'
I would venture to guess that some of the idiots who make trolling comments in the political sections have hung out in this chatroom based on how they treat others.
Anyone have a vent about a self-proclaimed asshole you have met recently on the internet?
It is amazing how suddenly forums, social networks, and chatrooms today are filled with angry people who need professional help use the internet to treat everyone like a pile of shit. What happened to smoking some weed or having a few beers and chilling the fuck out?
Even this place has it's losers, idiots, and disrespectful assholes writing posts either because they think their material is cute and funny or simply because they have no self-respect and find it hard to share respectfully with others.
The other crazy thing are the people that truly believe the world will be destroyed very soon because of all of the "mad" people in the world today. I believe there has been other decades in our past that if you gave them the internet and iphones with social network sites during World War II...yeah, people back then would have said the same thing!
I met a guy in Paltalk that I only remember as a nickname of I don't know his full call sign because it has been years, but he runs a political chat group and is literally on the chat 18hrs a day...yet he claims to be a practicing lawyer who sounds like an evil Bill Cosby! lol
He is entertaining, but offensive and his ego just echoes through that room to the point in which will make you disgusted.
If your a Paltalker you can find the room titled 'Mainstream Politics'
I would venture to guess that some of the idiots who make trolling comments in the political sections have hung out in this chatroom based on how they treat others.
Anyone have a vent about a self-proclaimed asshole you have met recently on the internet?