Self sufficient organic and (almost) free growing


New Member
Hi everybody :). Im new to grow forums and a novice at medical cultivation (but not completely ignorant) and I would like to bring up the subject of self sufficiency in terms of growing the herb. I have come to realize that we are slaves to the fertilizer companies and hydro stores (as we are to corporations in most aspects of our lives :( ) but it doesn't have to be this way. Depending on your individual situation and geographic location, I believe that many growers can succeed from the ridiculous overhead and maintenance charges that comes with indoor non-organic growing, by switching to self sufficient outdoor organic growing. I'm not talking about the go down to the grow shops and buy a bunch of boxed fertilizer and natural pesticide organic growing, I'm talking about hardcore self sufficient off the grid organic outdoor growing. What I mean by this is that everything required to grow cannabis from seed/clone to harvest can be procured for $free$ (minus minimal costs but ill get to that later). Yes I'm talking about growing weed for (almost) free. I came to this theory after helping a friend with their medical operation who lived by the philosophy that the more cash you chuck at your plants, the better quality and yield. They would buy only the most expensive liquid chemical fertilizers, 1000w bulbs, poisons aka pesticides, elaborate cloning apparatuses, and all those spendy (and trendy) add ins and boosters that money could buy. Yes it was great quality (I'm talking primo) with great yields, but it was a product which was sprayed with highly toxic everything killer, and had to be flushed for two weeks with water to rid of the chemicals in it, and then was called medicine and injested by sick people. Then because of the use of all those expensive materials "donations" are required from patients to receive their medicine, but isn't that the American way ;) . Sorry I'm just being honest, but I'm done preaching and will get back to the free weed. After much obsessive research, I'm a nerd and love me some good ol' research, I have realised that I can procure soil, fertilizers, rooting solution, lighting, and water for free (minus blank topsoil, peat moss, worm casting, and molasses)!! How you ask? By first starting with a homemade rooting solution which you can jump-start your seeds/clones with to make them take better (which I have tested side by side with an unnamed tiny $60 a bottle rooting solution with identical great results in identical cloning beds). It is made for free by collecting pacific or coyote willow twigs or roots and chopping them up and seeping them overnight in hot water. This works because these water loving willows can asexually reproduce (clone themselves) because they contain indolebutyric acid and auxin (fancy words for rooting hormones) which can also be added to teas as a root booster. Then I would make my own soil mixture comprised of blank top soil, peat moss, and crushed lava rock or pumice (its everywhere where I live) and mix in partially decomposed fish scraps, kelp, seaweed, homemade bone meal, and worm castings as a time released fertilizer. Not wanting to depend totally on the questionable solubility and bioavailability of the in soil fertilizer mix, I would then supplementary feed with fish emulsions and kelp/seaweed/molasses/banana peel/worm casting teas during watering, the composition of which would vary dependant upon the plant's life cycle. I would also sprinkle a little bit of campfire ash on top of the soil when beginning flowering. I would make the fish emulsion and partly decomposed fish scraps with whitefish, a bony ugly but hard fighting fish, that I catch and release by the dozens on a weekly basis as a by-catch while fly fishing for trout. They are unregulated by my states fishing laws, extremely abundant (to my annoyance), and if I had a dollar for every pound I released I could probably buy myself a decent house. Plus they tend to spawn on me while unhooking them in the winter (yuck!) , so I don't think I would feel too bad humanely ending the ones I catch with a rock to their ugly heads haha. Unfortunately I would have to blend em up and rot them in a bucket with molasses for over a month stirring frequently (double yuck), but im used to falling in dead rotting salmon which line the river banks in the fall (its like a disgusting smelly slip-n-slide). The bone meal I would make with the bones of whitefish and table scrap bones boiled, baked in the oven, smashed, then grinded up. I would collect the seaweed and kelp, they are different being green and brown respectively, on my frequent trips to the coast. And I would make the teas by blending kelp/seaweed/banana peels and brewing them over the course of a month in water, molasses, and worm casting stirring frequently. All of these nasty rotting concoctions would give me all the N-P-K fertilizer my plants would need plus beneficial micronutrients. Here's all of the N-P-K formulas for the materials I would use from a university I collected online:
• fish emulsion: 5-1-1 (absorbed quickly over the course of a few days)
• fish scrap: 3.5to12-1to12-1to1.5 (absorbed slowly [time?] and recommends burying deep to avoid 4-legged pests)
• kelp: 1-.5-4to13 plus potassium chloride, sodium carbonates, sodium sulfates, and potassium sulfates (absorbed slowly over 4-6 months)
• seaweed: 2-0-.5to1 and tons of micronutrients (absorbed slowly over 4-6 months)
• steamed bone meal: .7to7-18to24-0 (absorbed slowly/moderately over 2-4 months)
• wood ash: 0-5-3to7 (absorbed quickly over 1-4 months but watch PH as it is alkaline)
• worm castings: 1.5-2.5-1.3 (tons of beneficial microorganisms)
The teas would allow quick absorbtion of the kelp/seaweed/worm casting/banana peel (unknown NPK to me but we all know bananas have alot of potassium). The kelp, seaweed, worm castings, and willow root solution would give your plants a huge advantage in fighting off diseases and fungus naturally on their own. If the plants were to be infested with pests, a cheap organic homemade foliar spray could be made with untreated tobacco, neem oil, Tabasco sauce, and dish soap, which would be used to both kill off, and prevent infestation. If fungal infection were to occur, you could use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. No more shelling out tons of money at grow shops when you could use common household items that are just laying around. And of course they would be grown outdoors and watered with well water. This is how I could grow almost for free without putting out too much effort. I realize that I couldn't realistically produce as high of quality herb as indoor hydroponic with this method, but I bet it could turn out pretty darn good and have massive yields due to it being outdoor and it would be all natural all organic as nature intended it to be. Perfect for medicinal and concentrates. Even better if one is just trying to make rick simpson oil as a free cancer treatment (look it up I've personally seen a natureopath stage 4 breast cancer patient go from wasting away and having to be carried to the bathroom to eating normally, having a much happier attitude and sociability, and walking around in just 2 weeks without chemo, radiation, or drugs, just RSO). Growing cheaply and self sufficiently would be different for everyone (such as having access to composting and manures) so I would love to hear from other people, if there are any, who have grown using some self sustaining organic methods. Soil tips and recipes would be greatly appreciated (I personally wouldn't go above 10% on perlite or other draining substitutes like lava rock or pumice). I would love to talk greenhouses and passive heating/cooling/air circulation methods to avoid heaters and fans at all costs. Cold weather and robust outdoor strain info would be nice as well (mandala seeds ;) ). I also have access to the NPK formulas on most things one could think of using as fertilizer (took me forever to find a credible and standardized nutrient chart) so ask if needed and I can also give specific ratios and recipes on the fish emulsion, the seaweed/kelp/molasses tea, and the organic homemade pesticides and fungus fighters. Ive done my research, and know 100% for a fact that the homemade rooting hormone works, but please correct me if I posted anything inaccurate.

-Thank you and down with the man :)
Ooops my bad. I'm a total grammar Nazi too, don't know how that one got past me. Little long winded hugh? Sorry I'm new to this whole forum thing. Thanks for the tip Dill :)
Ugh..... Thanks for the essay. I wish people would use this site the way its supposed to be. Having you ramble on is terrible. Everything you have mentioned is already here. I.E rollitup..