Senators defer on home cultivation issue, clear way for passing cannabis bill


Well-Known Member
OTTAWA — Senators have backed down on an amendment to the federal government's cannabis legalization bill that would have recognized the authority of provincial governments to ban home cultivation of marijuana plants if they choose.

The Trudeau government rejected that amendment and now senators have voted 45-35 against insisting on it.

The government rejected 12 other amendments approved by the Senate, but senators felt most strongly about the home cultivation one.

With senators bowing to the will of the elected House of Commons on that issue, that clears the way for them to finally pass Bill C-45 later tonight.

Quebec and Manitoba have already decided to ban home-grown weed, despite the fact that the federal bill specifies that individuals may grow up to four plants per dwelling.

The Senate's amendment was intended to avoid legal challenges of the provinces' constitutional authority to prohibit home cultivation.

The Canadian Press
At least one arm of the gov realizes you can't make something ok for some Canadians and not others. Isn't that the basic premise for this country?
as we have seen first hand certainly does not mean they wouldn't try.... people in Quebec,Manitoba...and territories...
should already be putting those area's of the country on notice....