I have them in 8gal pots, I doubt that they are getting depleted. I also thought that it was a N def, but
@greasemonkeymann thought that it was something else. I have to agree with him because I topdressed with more rabbit manure and everything got worse, faded to yellow faster afterwards!!! I am probably dealing with a PH problem or something?
I compost leaves and rabbit bedding. The bedding is mostly alfalfa hay or straw usually and it gets soaked with urine, pretty stinky. I am using Biochar but I screened a lot of it out and I think that I know how to do it better next time! Anyways, this is all just speculation until I get the results! I was too embarrassed about my pics to post them last night. I will post them for educational purposes... It is the worst looking run that I have had in a while!!! Stunted and faded...
We're all family here man (for the most part), so don't sweat the pics, hell I've posted some fugly mite-pics so no need to be shy.
So I was thinking about it, and in an organic heavy base it can retain too much water, I know you mentioned that they were drying out too, but the top can dry, whilst the bottom can still be dense or damp.
I really think that it's that, not enough aeration or drainage, but without pics or being there it's SO hard to tell for sure.
Also when were they transplanted to the 8 gals?
if it was too soon and the roots zone isn't super established the soil can retain too much moisture and then the roots don't like the anaerobic conditions, while the soil is remaining wet, so then you have a condition that perpetuates itself. Roots don't grow cuz it's too anaerobic and damp, and the dampness isn't helped because the roots aren't sucking up the water.
I've done it personally, and even with NOTHING wrong with your soil it can happen.
Wet soil will turn acidic, and wet soil also is anaerobic, all those essentially prune your roots as they grow.
For example, I wouldn't trans into a 8 gal container with anything smaller than an established 1-2 gallon container, some growers like to put freshly rooted clones into big containers, in my experience cannabis doesn't like that as much, too easy for the container to retain moisture for too long, which creates the aforementioned maladies.
In my experience simple nitrogen defs usually manifest themselves as a gradual fading from the "normal" green to lighter shades, at first growth isn't slowed too much, but eventually it will be.
but it takes time.
even outside they'll keep going until it gets really bad.
But even a lightly amended, or re-used 8 gal container could easily support a 5 foot plant.
no prob
I am eager to see the results of the test!
cool shit