sensi seeds northern lights problem :/


Active Member
hi :) was wondering if anyone had similar problems with northern lights
i feed them with biobizz according to schedule onece-twice a week and
in a flowering they started yelllowing....from the bottom to the top, i thought
it is just flowering cos the plants mature and naturally to their cycle become
yellow but the yellow leafs progress to the top :( they in a 4th week of flowering
and this time i didint give them nuts just molases with water.... dio u think
it could be nut burn? both northern lights the same, when shiva skunk remained
untouched:( help please


Well-Known Member
Your looking at this all wrong.

First its a plant, then its cannibis, then its sativa/indica/rhuederalis, then its the strain.

what im getting at here, is strain doesnt matter, your starving them. if it was blueberry, or green crack or whatever, they would also starve...
up the nitrogen a tad, up the potassium and phosphorus a lot, and up the micro nutes a lot too (mainly magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc).

until your overfeeding, your underfeeding.


Active Member
so u think i schould give them more nutrients? does it loook like it for you? i know that i cant compare other strains. i gave them more nutrients then schedule indicates. schould i incresae it anyway?


This looks more like nutrient burn. And a PH lock check your PH levels and wait at least a week before giving any fertilizers.