Sensi Star @ 80x80 / Osram E27 - 2700K

hello everyone i'm the new one :D

please excuse my bad english :mrgreen: i will start a report with the help of the googletranslator.

thanks to @Kassiopeija for the invitation

Growing 7 Sensi Star @ 80x80x180 in 11l pots
Light: Osram E27 LED Bulbs a20 Watt in 2700K, currently 180Watts (9 Bulbs)
Fertilized by reused Supersoil (Italpollina 4-4-4 fertilizer pellets - no fertilizer added while growing, only water (exception at the beginning))

here we go:

Vegetation Day 1
vd1(2).jpg vd1.jpg

VD 27

VD 32
vd32.jpg vd32(2).jpg

VD 38

Flowering Day 9 (sprayed BAC)
fd9(2).jpg fd9.jpg

FD 25
fd25(2).jpg fd25.jpg
Couldn't make out any different ones because I only germinated one seed and work with cuttlings/clones. That's the second or third Sensimom from the first bean. (former... don't have any Motherplant - next will be a Super Silver Haze)

edit: i love this Strain! :mrgreen: