Sensi ????


Well-Known Member
Had 4 that i just pulled and are in the curing process. These babies wew NEVER exposed to a male yet i found 4 seeds total that ifound in 2 buds off of 2 different plants. Do females produce a miniscule amt of seed for survival ??? I know they were never pollinated so i'm at a loss if anyone can help. Could they be "femenized)??? Wishful thinking i know but what the hell...maybe ??? Oh yeah, is it me or are the "quality strains. ie;kush hard to clone ???? Never had so much problem as i have with this last crop. Thanks for any help......mark.......from cincinnati


Well-Known Member
one of the plants may have turned into a hermaphrodite, and secreted just enough pollen to impregnate itself and the other gal.
the term "feminized seeds" mean that you have a better female to male ratio of plants. some seedbanks say 99% of you seeds will grow into female plants.
i wouldnt say kush is hard to clone, but it depends on what kind of kush i guess.


Well-Known Member
Had 4 that i just pulled and are in the curing process. These babies wew NEVER exposed to a male yet i found 4 seeds total that ifound in 2 buds off of 2 different plants. Do females produce a miniscule amt of seed for survival ??? I know they were never pollinated so i'm at a loss if anyone can help. Could they be "femenized)??? Wishful thinking i know but what the hell...maybe ??? Oh yeah, is it me or are the "quality strains. ie;kush hard to clone ???? Never had so much problem as i have with this last crop. Thanks for any help......mark.......from cincinnati

um, it is known that plants will do things for survival. she is tricked into thinking she might she might do certain things.