serious slug issue


Well-Known Member
i have a SERIOUS slug issue with one of my grows. how do i deter them WITH OUT using the copper wire method found in the grow FAQ because i did a serach and look through the GrowFAQ and didnt find anything useful.
i had 3 slugs on one plant this morning and 4 more on the ground surroudning the other plants, all with in 5 inches of the vegetation. i'm kind of looking for a 'home remedy' so i dont have to go purchase any slug repellent CHEMICALS


Well-Known Member
i use this. i sprinkle it in a 10 foot circle around my garden and slugs and snails get nowhere near it.



Well-Known Member
just sprinkle it everywhere. it doesn't have to be a "line" around the area. if you freely sprinkle it around the whole area they won't come anywhere near it. :) i use to try to draw lines of it around my plants and they would dash right over it.


Active Member
little dixie cups buried in the ground around the plant. Fill them with beer. The slugs will dive in and won't be able to make it back out. Works like a charm!


Well-Known Member
Both the beer traps, and Crushed eggshells on the surface soil.

slugs/snails, all those critters dont like the feel of eggshells on their slimy bodies. I suppose to them its like crawling over barbed wire.


Well-Known Member
You do it a good 10' from your plants .. not directly around them ... :mrgreen:
well, I assume he doesnt have ten inches between the stem and the edge of the pot, but I suppose he could put it just inside the pot edge, and be sure to water near the stem. way i'm dumping salt on my soil. people salt the earth of those they hate, so crops wont grow...its actually a cliche at this point. I'd stick with methods that cant possibly kill my plants. just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
well, I assume he doesnt have ten inches between the stem and the edge of the pot, but I suppose he could put it just inside the pot edge, and be sure to water near the stem. way i'm dumping salt on my soil. people salt the earth of those they hate, so crops wont grow...its actually a cliche at this point. I'd stick with methods that cant possibly kill my plants. just my two cents.

I respect your opinion... and I was just giving mine ... I was speaking of an outdoor grow deep in the woods .


Well-Known Member
little dixie cups buried in the ground around the plant. Fill them with beer. The slugs will dive in and won't be able to make it back out. Works like a charm!
Beer traps work. Another solution is sprinkle Diotomaceous Earth (DE) around the base of your plants.


Well-Known Member
pour a bunch of salt on the soil around the plant?

...what about when he waters, and the salt gets pulled down into the rootzone....
Not if in ground...pots..when you said on the ground, I though on the ground AROUND pots....they will climb up...Ah stoned peeps trying to make points and failing badly....Give one something to do....


Well-Known Member
they are in the ground. --- i thought about using the 'salt' method - something i came up with and i then thought that the next time my dumb ass went to water it would wash the salt right into the plants with an end result of shitty plants or worse-- death


New Member
if your indoor they make lights that are like 8 bucks 14 watt cfl that i guess keeps bugs away. Saw it at walmart yeasterday i would just buy one and stick it close to the plant more light and keeps all kinds of bugs away


Well-Known Member
this is what you need in the form of copper wire

Copper wire will do the trick wind some around the bottom of the stalk and they will not cross it. I have used it for a few years on my outdoor and no problems. Stops snails too! You can buy a mesh like I use from these guys 14$, it expands as the stalk gets bigger.,51555&p=51241


Wont harm anything ether.

If you like REP would be nice.
