set up a tent HELP


New Member

I want to set up a veg room for seedling or veg from germination.I have a tent 60x60x160.The ligthining will be a cfl 160w blue spectrum,inside the tent will be a pc fan 100m3 and for the exaust I'll also use a pc fan 100m3 am I right with this equipment?


Well-Known Member
For a veg room, you might want to throw in a 6500k cfl among the 2700k blue spectrum cfls. in a 60x60 you should have at least two blue and one red cfls. More blue would be better. Maybe if you continue past your first grow, you might want to look into some t5s.


New Member
I dont vegging for full month.. Just from seed about 1 week then 250wHM.. I think that this cfl bulb will be enough.