Set up help


Well-Known Member
Hey all just after some advice.
got a 8" rvk and 2 600 hps.
what way is better..
filter connect to cool tube then to the next cool tube then to the rvk outside the tent then out the loft or
filter then fan then cool tube cooltube then outside tent to loft?
i personally want the fan out side the tent to save space but will it be not as effective if it's pulling threw the cooltubes or better to push out threw the cooltubes?
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
If you need the space, it is fine to have the fan outside, pulling the air through the filter and lights, as opposed to pulling the air through the filter and pushing it through the lights.

In fact, that's how I would do it myself, but my setup is more convenient having the fan inside the tent.



Well-Known Member
Pull through both filter and lights. Put the filter as high up as you can for best effect. You should put a speed controller on the fan. A 8" inch fan is probably over-kill unless you have a long duct run.