Set up my grow space. Any advice?


I'm using One 40w CFL (2700k), and Three 23w CFLs.

Jungle Growth soil.

Emergency blankets glued to inside of my cabinet. lol

Tap water at neutral pH.

Seeds were just planted, so they will be another day or so before I see them break soil.

Current humidity and temp shown in pic. (I'm kind of worried about the 40watts heat output. It's significantly more hot than the 23ws, should I not use it in such a small area? 3ft deep, 2.5 ft wide, 3 ft tall.)

2012-09-03 19.53.48.jpg2012-09-03 19.54.12.jpg2012-09-03 19.52.32.jpg2012-09-03 13.38.28.jpg



Well-Known Member
Your temps aren't bad. The humidity isn't THAT bad, could be better. I personally think you have too many plants. Are they bag seed? If so then I can understand, if they're feminized seeds from a breeder you shouldn't plant that many for a space that small.


Yea they're all bag seed, sex undetermined.

My biggest concern right now would be a fire hazard. =/

And if I should get nutes. I don't know how to do them whatsoever.


Eh, maybe. I know you don't have to have nutes, especially if the soil has some in it. I'm just growing for personal use and i'm on a budget, so yea.

How do you suggest I raise the humidity? I'm assuming just take a spray bottle to it couple times a day? I read 60-70% is a good number. (for veg anyway)... 40-50 for flower.

Just because I don't know everything doesn't mean I didn't research anything. Plus, pretty sure the newbie forums are for asking questions and getting some help.


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to raise the humidity? It's high enough as is. Don't worry about stupid shit like that. I don't adjust shit and you should see my plant, it's a monster. Less is more my friend. Don't get hung up on stupid crap like temperature and humidity. My humidity was anywhere from 30-60% in veg and it's around 30-40 in flower. The plant is fine, actually more humidity in flower you will likelier have mold.

Also, you shouldn't get all butthurt by my comment. It's not like I'm lying. People are too gun ho about growing and end up wasting seeds in the end. Doing a little reading and having a general understanding of these things before you start growing never hurt anyone.


I have read and do have an understanding, that's why I'm taking offense. Not everyone was professional just by reading. You can read everything but until you do it you still are gunna ask questions.

ANYWAY. Yea, I have like 500 seeds from bag seed over the past year, so thats no issue. Would that many bulbs be good for the 5 seeds? I read somewhere to try and get 3500 lumens per sq ft. That accurate?