Setting up drip irrigation?


It really depends on your watering plan. Constant drip or power feeding on a frequency schedule?


Well-Known Member
Casper is correct, I have preferred the schedule, of 15 minutes on per hour, but this should be evaluated to you local conditions and temps, and that is a freaky looking pump


Well-Known Member
The pump can be used for a few different applications. It should do the trick to pump water into the lines while maintaining decent pressure - I hope lol. What kind of pump are you using in case I'd like to switch? I was thinking about a constant drip that way I can just hook up the emitters and make sure the reservoir is topped off each morning. I'll have roughly 18 gallons of soil in use, spread out in 3 gallon containers under a 600W Hps set to 75% intensity. I was thinking of maybe setting up 6-8 emitters over each pot? How do I know what kind of emitter to get? Thanks :)