setting up for my first grow


I ordered seeds off of seaofseeds and got a great amount of free seeds. here's my order:

Just wondering, for my first grow, what would be the best seed out of here to grow? i am using 6x24W CFL bulbs (3x6500K 3x2700K). I am in a closet, so i plan of having 2 lights (6500K cfl) with a reflector fixture hanging above, and 2 clamp lights (2700K cfl) with reflectors, one on each side of the plant. the other two i plan on using along with a 20 inch t5 8w to run a clone farm on the top shelf. i am doing all this shopping sometime this week so i will post pictures if anyone is interested in following along and giving me advice along the way.


Active Member
Keep me updated on how it goes a lot of growers on here like to order from they are a very reliable seed bank with large amounts genetics from quality breeders their prices are great also so take
a look no I'm not advertising I'm just giving a recommendation so he has a insurance of getting his grow started.