Settle For Nothing


New Member
this thread is for "us"

But were not scared
We aint never scared
To pave a new path
Make a new street
Build a new bridge


New Member
and i asked you a question,, answer it,,, do you know why you have made that many posts and nobody gave you any rep for it?

or are you too weak to answer a small question from a canadian?
I've got more negative rep than you've got positive.......and I like it.:-o


New Member
and if you couldnt tell ccodiane is not one of "us"

"What you win in the immediate battles is little compared to the effort you put into it but if you see that as a part of this total movement to build a new world, you know what could be. You do have a choice. You don't have to be a part of the world of the lynchers. You can join the other America. There is another America!


New Member
Chuck, why would I hate you? I love too harass you, as much as you love to be harassed....
yea i know,, you follow me around like a lost puppy dog

im starting to think you have a crush on me

sorry im not a minor though

i know how you love to kiss boys on the mouth (and other places) and all

you do listen to M.J. dont you?


New Member
"...the system where the
poor get poorly paid
to hold the ladder
where the rich get ricocheted
into the stratosphere...

...we need heroes
build them
don't put your fist up
fill them
Fight with our hopes and our hearts and our hands
we're the architects of our last stand

there's a war going on for your mind
those who seek to occupy it will stop at nothing
the battlefield is everywhere
there is no sanctuary
there are no civilians
you have two choices
surrender or enlist..."

Fight with tools


Well-Known Member
its good you are running away from the argument brutal because you will lose
No, I'm not running away from the argument, I'm trying to figure out how to get you to speak about what you think should be changed instead of wasting my time with you just rambling on about the specific words I've used and how I've used them.

Oh, and of course the playground was a poor analogy, but you were the one that provided the material, poor material, poor analogy.


New Member

And what a crock of shit that turned out to be.
Obama Says Iraq Surge Successful

Obama Says Iraq Surge Successful


Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Sept. 4 that the escalation of U.S. troops in Iraq, which he had opposed, has succeeded in reducing violence "beyond our wildest dreams."

But Iraq still has failed to achieve the political reconciliation and self-sufficiency that is required, he said, and he vowed to withdraw American troops and end the war.


Well-Known Member
But your mistake was posting a picture of Bush 1 year into the war... But I will say the only reason that the surge may have worked is because our government were bribing the Leaders of the Neighborhoods not to shoot the americans and to bring out the insurgents amungst them.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Who cares of if the surge worked?

what does work actually mean..?

DOES "work" mean that more soldiers died in AFGHANISTAN this year because the forces were split to thin and doing a surge in IRAQ..

saying the surge worked or didn't worked is splitting hairs...

Just cause you cured cancer in the lungs but it spread to the brain and colon doesn't equate to success...


Well-Known Member
But Iraq still has failed to achieve the political reconciliation and self-sufficiency that is required, he said, and he vowed to withdraw American troops and end the war.
So, despite the fact the surge worked he wants to still end the war...

This is absurd, in my opinion, because we are already there. We need to ensure that we aren't going to have some demagogue or tyrant emerge after we have withdrawn our soldiers that will force us to turn around and go right back.

There is a lot of differing theories regarding the WMD, and where they vanished (yes, I'll admit they weren't found) ranging from Syria helped Iraq transport them out of Iraq into Syria, to they were never there in the first place.

That's a moot point as far as what is being debated about Iraq right now. We are already there, we might as well finish the job, and ensure that the job is done right so that Iraq is able to endure for longer than a decade before it lapses into another totalitarian state.


New Member
fact of the matter is Bush is an idiot, McCain will pull the same bullshit, the war in iraq is bullshit and so many are so brainwashed with "terror" that they will belive anything, no questions asked.

this is just like the vietnam war, evil leader, evil decision, bad outcome, bad feedback from the citizens yet still nothing done about it... i guess at least back when nam was going on people were taking to the streets is massive numbers... but thats when the government decided to start killing its own citizens. now people are too afraid to be heard and too brainwashed and undereducated to know anything about whats going on... again, the crux of the thread. AWARENESS. if more people become aware of all the shit maybe we will start to do something about it...

maybe someday I can come home

but i doubt it


New Member

what a lousy website brutal, how can you think you can group conservative and liberal?


god how i dont miss the U.S.


New Member
"...what really happened in the sixties was that this country took just the first step toward admitting that it had been wrong on race, and creativity burst out in all directions..."

too bad people arent informed enough anymore to know when to admit they are wrong.

The U.S. cut government spending on schools by billions of dollars...


to keep the youth dumb

and sadly, its working