Several Questions From a Newbie..

Alright, so I have a few questions and was hoping someone or several would be able to help me. To start out, I am looking to start a small grow room, growing maybe 6 plants. I am growing for two reasons:

1. Personal use and close friends only

2. Just to see if I can

So, to start. I have been doing lots of reading on here, and I am quite impressed by the amount of information within. I want to see if I have the basic growing cycle down. From what I have read, the steps are: Germinate....Vegitative Cycle....Flowering(budding) cycle...correct? I know this is basic, but I am trying to wrap my head head around the overall steps.

I will try to sum up my questions so that I just get to the point of what I want to know. So....

1. I have read from several posts and whatnot on here that Goldenseed is a quality and reliable place. True? Furthermore, has anyone run into any (cough cough) "problems" doing this?

2. Lighting
a.) When at seedling stage, should I use flourescent lights?
b.)I have read that metal halide is good for the vegatative cycle, due to the blue spectrum it puts out, but is it ok to also use this for the flowering stage?
(cost...hps out of my price range)
c.) Is 400watt, 36,000 lumens enough for approx. 6 plants? (light will be stationary)

3. Is it ok to use plain tap water, and would it be better/ok to filter it through a standard Brita or PUR filter?

4. When looking at seeds, I am reading things like "indoor 60-70 days." Does this mean after first harvest, new harvests/buds will come in every 60-70 thereafter?

5. And last...I am looking at ordering 8 seeds. If I do this, I know some will be male and some female, then off of these mother plants I plant the this correct? And if so, say for instance I get 4 female plants. Can I take more than one clone off of a plant? I mean, if I have 4 female mothers, can I get 6 plants going? I am having trouble wrapping my head around this.

Thank you all for helping me out with my problems. In the end, I am doing this mostly for fun, and view it as just a weed, something that "should" (keyword should) be easy to grow, though I get the feeling its a bit more complicated, so I want to get all the details I can. Thanks again and I look forward to reading some responses and learning much from you all!



Well-Known Member
Take your 8 seeds and germinate them. Grow them to a size large enough to take a few clones off each plant.
Now take and mark each clone as to which plant it came from. Your next move is to put one clone from each plant into 12/12 to determine sex.
Once you find out the sex of your plants destroy the male clones, and plants.
From here you want to grow your mothers out bigger, take more clones, veg them to appropriate size then put the new clones into flower.
Once you get your timing figured out you will be taking new clones to veg every few weeks to replace the plants you will be harvesting.


Well-Known Member
60-70 days is how long ur flower time will be.. once they r done budding they r done thats y u take clones... the 400 MH will suk for flowering, get the HPS and veg with that too.. thats what i used to do... i use tap water rite out the tap... u should let it sit for 24 hrs so the clorhine can evaporate but i dont.. depending on how good/bad ur water is, u can filter it with brita or sumthin but i found that too much work.. the 400 will support 6 plants NPZ' as long as they rnt high for the light wont penatrate that deep.. look up supercropping for bigger yeilds with lower plants, thats what i do...


Check out ceramic metal halide bulbs. Didn't read about them til after I'd already purchased my other bulbs but its one bulb that will do both veg and flower and it cooler than Metal Halide or HPS. Also there is a lot of different opinions on autoflowers but if you want to Harvest in 60-70 days there are some autoflower dwarfs that will do that. I'm on my first grow with White Dwarfs and they take 8 weeks from seed, but you can't take clones. But you can get the seeds feminized. Other than that if HPS is out of your price range you should check out, cause there MH and HPS are about the same price. And definitely check out the threads they gave you, and do searches, know from experience that all those questions have been answered in extensive detail somewhere on here... :)


Active Member
Yep you got some pretty good advice from those people... Just remember that ventilation is also very important along with temps. I have always used tap water, but before you decide to you need to find out the PPM's of your tap water and letting it sit for a day or 3 is also a good idea... Good luck PEACE


New Member
man these are mostly common sense answers I mean your asking the answer except the one about clones thats just ridiculous also. you obviously already know all of these answers and just looking for confirmation. get to i.t


Well-Known Member
approach it like the rest of us. stick seed in pot, add water, watch grow, panic like fuck and run back here for lottsa answers lol. like urself i sat and read a lot and i've got buddys who grow but until the lil' baby pops up u don't full appreciate what uv been reading. get ur hands dirty as quick as poss. theres always a lotta lazy bastards( this means me, i dont have a life, i fish, i grow , i get wasted) hanging around here that'll answer questions or point u sumwhere for information.


New Member
approach it like the rest of us. stick seed in pot, add water, watch grow, panic like fuck and run back here for lottsa answers lol. like urself i sat and read a lot and i've got buddys who grow but until the lil' baby pops up u don't full appreciate what uv been reading. get ur hands dirty as quick as poss. theres always a lotta lazy bastards( this means me, i dont have a life, i fish, i grow , i get wasted) hanging around here that'll answer questions or point u sumwhere for information.
ya try n avoid the newb section for better answers though - ask better questions ahahah