Severe heat stress (bud rot?), should I harvest early?

Hello everyone and thanks to everyone who will come out and help.
First off, grow infos:

Strain: Runts Feminized x1
Size: 40x40x120
Medium: Soil, 12L airpot
Light: Cultilite COB Led 250W

The issue on the table: I've been in vacation for 20 days.
I've had a friend come home once a week to give her some water.
He sent me pics every time he came, the plant looked she was suffering (it's usual this time of the year, where I live it's impossible to keep the temps under 35° in August especially if I'm not home with the conditioner up and running), but I've never seen something like this happen:


We have had a terrible peak of heat the last two days and it shows, she was already in not a good spot but at this point I wonder if I should let her live still.
I immediately gave her lots of water to drink and proceeded to lower the temps, but I don't think at this stage of flowering there's any possibility she can get better considering I don't see any leaf left to eat nutes from.

What I'm asking is... should I harvest immediately before the situation gets worse, or is there still hope for a better (though never good) harvest spot?

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
Oof that's rough bro, I would chop her down as well. On the bright side, at least that plant wasn't huge...could you imagine this happening to a large plant? That'd be heartbreaking. Good luck on the next cycle!
Hi! First off, thanks for stopping by everyone.

Here's an update some hours after she drank:



I have inspected the buds and tugged the burnt leaves, honestly I can't see any brown buds and the inner is not worse than the outer. I think it might be a severe calmag lockdown more than a bud rot? What do you think? Is it anyway best to harvest ASAP?

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
I've never seen calmag issues get like this. IMO, it looks like the plant sat in a dry medium for an extended period of time.

I don't see anything that looks like bud rot there a particular reason why you ask? Is it real humid in your area? Do you know the RH of your grow space? Do you have fans for air circulation? Do you have an exhaust and an intake fan for overall air exchange?


Well-Known Member
Fried like a mozzarella stick … triches look clear , fans gone , stressed . Not sure how much photosynthesis will happen with it.
Forget bud rot , when sugar leaf dies that it , time to toss.

I mean look at pic … to see what I mean.



Well-Known Member
Here is a crazy idea ….

Strip all below DMZ line I made and then drop light cycle to 10/14 for rest of grow.
Force finish it … if plant cooperates. Thinking medium is still nute charged …See if she still uptakes water.
Who knows.