Sex... Sober V.S Intoxicated

Intoxication during sex.

Uninhibited. No holding back. No need for any anxieties, insecurities. Completely free to be as wild and crazy as necessary. A genuine empathy for your partners sensitivity.

Thats my vote... Whats your opinion?
LOL :shock:


Sex is all about sensations. THC amplifies sensations. Sex is great when you are high.

I am still a virgin though :)
Even a hand on my shoulder feels amazing after smoking. Sex = mindblowing. Also helps me deep-throat better. Can't complain.


Active Member
Somehow I become a master of holding back my orgasms nearly as long as I desire in the intoxicated state. Also, being baked together with your lovebird is an endless source for inspiration and fun, no doubt. I do as I please, no inhibitions or insecurities, sex is fuckin great while being stoned! :D


Well-Known Member
Somehow I become a master of holding back my orgasms nearly as long as I desire in the intoxicated state. Also, being baked together with your lovebird is an endless source for inspiration and fun, no doubt. I do as I please, no inhibitions or insecurities, sex is fuckin great while being stoned! :D
agreed, I last much longer while high
Somehow I become a master of holding back my orgasms nearly as long as I desire in the intoxicated state. Also, being baked together with your lovebird is an endless source for inspiration and fun, no doubt. I do as I please, no inhibitions or insecurities, sex is fuckin great while being stoned! :D

My boyfriend seems to be able to do that as well. Which makes me happier :D Sex is definitely more imaginative as well. :D :D


Well-Known Member
lets keep this shit real !!!

while sex is so fuckin good while blazed

make sure you have your sex while your at a stable high

cuz if not and your completely twisted out your skull

then you might be left hangin with a limp dick in your hand lol !!! ~peace~
lets keep this shit real !!!

While sex is so fuckin good while blazed

make sure you have your sex while your at a stable high

cuz if not and your completely twisted out your skull

then you might be left hangin with a limp dick in your hand lol !!! ~peace~

I don't have a penis.

But my boyfriend does. LOL.... can't say its never happened.... never completely ruined my night but its happened. Only ever happens to him when he is belligerent , not high.