Sexing eairly

Closet Grow

Active Member
My 12/12 from seed plant just showed sex today, they look like very small calyx they my have pistals but i can't be sure yet. The lower ones seem to have pistals while the upper ones don't, but the upper ones seem to have many white hairs on them and the lower ones are bare. Which would show up first pistals or calyx, or at the same time? Maybe a hermie? Will I be able to tell for sure soon? Like tomorrow? Any help on identification of females at such a young age is appreciated.

No close up pix til I can find the cord to my good camera, but you can look at my grow journal and comment in it's disscussion form.


The lower ones seem to have pistals while the upper ones don't, but the upper ones seem to have many white hairs on them and the lower ones are bare.
Huh? :confused:
I think you meant to say "The lower ones seem to have pistillate calyxes while the upper ones don't, but the upper ones seem to have many white hairs on them and the lower ones are bare."
If that's what you meant to say, I'd give a closer look at those lower "calyxes", you might have a hermie on your hands..

In my experience, the first thing I notice on a female is her tits. JK, its the white pistils. Whether that's due to the calyxes being hidden inside new growth, or because they're much smaller at that stage, is beyond me, just what I notice first.

This might help:
View attachment 1079155

edit: the male flower in the bottom left corner of the image looks like that AFTER its opened and released pollen. Prior to that happening, it looks somewhat similar to a calyx, so you you'll need to get a good look at them.



Yea just give a good look at it, if you can post some pics you can get a definitive answer.