Sexing questions...


Active Member
I started my plants on 12/12 last thursday night so I could sex them to determine whats what... Well I have found I have a 50% mix of males and females...

So I ended up with 5 females and 5 males... I waas planning on leaving 3 to flower and using the other two to pull clones from and veg longer/mother them... I need to take clones from them to start my DWC grow as this grow is in soil... How long do I need to wait before I can cut the clones...

Also I have been debating on if I should cut all the clones from one mother... Basicly cutting off every thing thats not a fan leaf because I need 5 clones total... Or should I cut a few off of each?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
I started my plants on 12/12 last thursday night so I could sex them to determine whats what... Well I have found I have a 50% mix of males and females...

So I ended up with 5 females and 5 males... I waas planning on leaving 3 to flower and using the other two to pull clones from and veg longer/mother them... I need to take clones from them to start my DWC grow as this grow is in soil... How long do I need to wait before I can cut the clones...

Also I have been debating on if I should cut all the clones from one mother... Basicly cutting off every thing thats not a fan leaf because I need 5 clones total... Or should I cut a few off of each?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Clone them now I would say. It would have to revert back to veg stage... I would say its best to clone while in veg stage but you should be able to do it now.

Basically if you want to clone slice it on one of the nodes that has two more on it. Are you going to be using rooting gel?


Active Member
Clone them now I would say. It would have to revert back to veg stage... I would say its best to clone while in veg stage but you should be able to do it now.

Basically if you want to clone slice it on one of the nodes that has two more on it. Are you going to be using rooting gel?
nah I didnt purchase any... This is my first try at this and I didnt want to spend to much money on it...

Do you think I should take all the clones off of one plant... Basicly stripping it or should I take from two plants?


Active Member
nah I didnt purchase any... This is my first try at this and I didnt want to spend to much money on it...

Do you think I should take all the clones off of one plant... Basicly stripping it or should I take from two plants?
I would say take two off each as you dont know which of the two plants will give you the best yield. If you stripped one and left the other to flower and took your bud from that it may be a stronger plant than the other u just stripped if you get me.

Make sure you leave at least 50% of the plants leaves on the mother any less than 50% it will most likely die.

I managed to pick up a rooting gel from my local DIY store for about £3 in the uk shouldnt be too much more for you.

You wont be able to just clip it and put it in some soil it will just die the rooting gel will help it grow roots... Usually a good root system is established after about one and a half weeks but dont be surprised if it takes more than 3 weeks before a good root system suitable for transplantation.


Active Member
Also I forgot to mention, make sure you label your motherplants with a colour or a number or name.

Label the clones with the same markings as the motherplant it makes it so much easier to distinguish for you


Active Member
Also I forgot to mention, make sure you label your motherplants with a colour or a number or name.

Label the clones with the same markings as the motherplant it makes it so much easier to distinguish for you
Thanks man thats a good idea!