Active Member
In fact i'm so proud of this I actually care if you steal it, so please don't

My story tells how the grandson's life has revolved around his grandfather and how everyone else is a douche. When the grandfather is assured of his cancer the child goes on a self destructive path to match the life period of his grandfather. The grandson didn't know that marijuana and drinking are the most fun things a human being can do and starts to meet friends for the first time. Once he begins to relax and turn into a more applicable person he goes off of his medications and becomes a much more comfortable person to be around. The reason why the grandson lives with his grandpa is because his family members were assholes. When the grandfather dies he has lost his one true family member and tries to OD. When he survives the overdose he realizes that now he has something to live for. where as before the only reason stopping him from suicide was his grandfather. Throughout their living period together the grandson never understood why the grandfather smoke and drank but soon allows him to understand that it was his method of hapiness. The grandfather gave the grandson his house which was a mansion beach house. He throws crazy parties with all his college friends and everyone starts to love him. The grandson grows 4 pot plants and the police come and arrest him. Along with a huge paraphernalia charge he is sent to prison for 6 years where he was beaten daily. He refused to join any gang and was the only person in prison who didn't belong to a hate oriented gang. He was nobody's ally. He knew that everyone there was plotting to kill him and he didn't care because he had lost everything he had. While he was in prison his friends had started a huge campaign and formed a group called: POWER (Prisoner of war encarceration reform) He is let out and considered a hero amoung his people. His friends elect him CEO of POWER and he decides to form a mass meeting where 600 million people from around the world show up and protest for the reform of marijuana laws. Marijuana is legalized and taxed and the government gets out of its little recession and we become a peaceful nation and a role model for the rest of the world.
please review and be critical I'm sure this story will be less amusing once i lose my buzz. The story was inspired because my grandfather died yesterday morning

My story tells how the grandson's life has revolved around his grandfather and how everyone else is a douche. When the grandfather is assured of his cancer the child goes on a self destructive path to match the life period of his grandfather. The grandson didn't know that marijuana and drinking are the most fun things a human being can do and starts to meet friends for the first time. Once he begins to relax and turn into a more applicable person he goes off of his medications and becomes a much more comfortable person to be around. The reason why the grandson lives with his grandpa is because his family members were assholes. When the grandfather dies he has lost his one true family member and tries to OD. When he survives the overdose he realizes that now he has something to live for. where as before the only reason stopping him from suicide was his grandfather. Throughout their living period together the grandson never understood why the grandfather smoke and drank but soon allows him to understand that it was his method of hapiness. The grandfather gave the grandson his house which was a mansion beach house. He throws crazy parties with all his college friends and everyone starts to love him. The grandson grows 4 pot plants and the police come and arrest him. Along with a huge paraphernalia charge he is sent to prison for 6 years where he was beaten daily. He refused to join any gang and was the only person in prison who didn't belong to a hate oriented gang. He was nobody's ally. He knew that everyone there was plotting to kill him and he didn't care because he had lost everything he had. While he was in prison his friends had started a huge campaign and formed a group called: POWER (Prisoner of war encarceration reform) He is let out and considered a hero amoung his people. His friends elect him CEO of POWER and he decides to form a mass meeting where 600 million people from around the world show up and protest for the reform of marijuana laws. Marijuana is legalized and taxed and the government gets out of its little recession and we become a peaceful nation and a role model for the rest of the world.
please review and be critical I'm sure this story will be less amusing once i lose my buzz. The story was inspired because my grandfather died yesterday morning