SFV OG Kush Hermie Pics Included

I have a SFV OG Kush Feminized Seed from Cali Connections on day 19 of flower under a 600 Watt HPS and I have a hermie. I think its due to being too close to the air cooled hood. The plant is about 5Foot 5 Inches Tall. I vegged for 85days. What should I do with it??? None of the other plants in my garden have Hermied. I only see nanners on a couple branches. What should I Do?????


Depends on your experience you may re-turn her, flip her opposite or dump her/it/him ...
more the cause, look to your other plants, may well be pollinated by now..?

check well and often ..good luck
How would I know if they were pollinated ???


Well-Known Member
At this stage its best to gently remove the herm without spreading the pollen about,
but first squirt water over the forming buds on your females,
gently like, just a gentle spray ..you want them buds dry not moldy?
then carefully place a trash bag over the herm, its not so much the plant but spraying that pollen about
this is to reduce the chance of further pollination,

Good Luck and stay sharp