Shake drying and honey oil

Hey guys, i was wondering what you all do to get the shake dry enough to make honey oil. And also if you guys have a better method of extracting the good stuff, im all ears.


Well-Known Member
I made oil a few times and i didn't even let it dry.... hit it with butane a couple hours after trimming. I don't use it anymore though, don't like the butane thing..... bubble bags are the best!!!


Well-Known Member
yea, it was good. you can get 3 or 4 runs out of it... the first is the best by far. what i did was... i extracted it into a large pyrex dish. once the butane started to come out as a liquid i stoped. I tilted the plate a little to concentrate all the oil in one side of the dish then I let all the butane dissolve, that only took about 10 minutes or so. then I took a nice hard nug and sopped up all the oil like a bisquet with gravy. once the bud was coated heavily with the oil i rolled it in keef from my grinder. left it dry for a few minutes crammed it in a pipe and passed it around and got everybody wasted!!

just something about the butane turned me off.... what residual chemicals are left in the oil after the butane dissolves?? we will never know.... use bubble bags and ice that is the natural "safe" way of making killer hash! no chemicals in my ice.....


Well-Known Member
If you have only a few ounces of trimmings the easy way is to make oil. Buy the best Isopropanol Alcohol (the higher the % the better)you can get do not use any other type!! Try wallmart in the pharmacy large bottle is $6.00. I can get 99% in Canada don't know about the rest of the world.

Get a glass mason jar with lid, stuff your weed in the jar, you don't need to grind it up and add the alcohol so it covers the weed. Put it where you can shake it a few times a day for 2 to 4 days, than strain through a sieve and than through a gold coffee filter to get all the crap out, you want to put this mixture in a flat glass pan. Put the pan outside and let the alcohol evaperate. When it's all gone use a razor blade to scrape the oil from the pan. You can use a fan to lightly blow over the pan and this will make it dry faster.


Most solvents are explosive and alcohol is, do this in a well ventilated space and no open flame and no smoking!!