New Member
I've always seen Shamanism as a value-system and sense of perspective of oneself in relation to the natural world....
and so i tend to think of it as philosophy rather than religion...it can be organized philosophy/"religion" if it's practiced in a socialist (complete egalitarianism) sense...like in small tribes where it tends to really exist
i've always seen a connection to the natural world as an essential human need- connection to elements is obvious. water, sun, plants, etc....but have always felt shamanism goes to a deeper level, unveiling the emotional/psychological connections between us and say, for instance, food (comfort food...soul food, time/anticipation of preparation of food)....or the sun (seasonal depression anyone? gloomy rainy days? happy vibrant sunny days?)....keep running these ideas through your mind and different aspects of the natural world seem to evoke questions...
why does the beach soothe us like it does?
as a gardener, whats this feeling of deeper satisfaction i get out of the relationship i build between myself and the ecosystem i create to cultivate food?
what is it about the PERPETUALITY of the cycles- seasons- of the natural world that provide me such hope and change in perspective?...id imagine it has to do with comfort in the credibility of the idea- pretty much KNOWING that after winter passes, spring sorta symbolizes rebirth
I like the idea of shamanism because it's simple to me, although not always easy to explain, since it has a lot to do with the psyche/feelings associated with perspective...
i find it poetic and comforting though
your thoughts?
and so i tend to think of it as philosophy rather than religion...it can be organized philosophy/"religion" if it's practiced in a socialist (complete egalitarianism) sense...like in small tribes where it tends to really exist
i've always seen a connection to the natural world as an essential human need- connection to elements is obvious. water, sun, plants, etc....but have always felt shamanism goes to a deeper level, unveiling the emotional/psychological connections between us and say, for instance, food (comfort food...soul food, time/anticipation of preparation of food)....or the sun (seasonal depression anyone? gloomy rainy days? happy vibrant sunny days?)....keep running these ideas through your mind and different aspects of the natural world seem to evoke questions...
why does the beach soothe us like it does?
as a gardener, whats this feeling of deeper satisfaction i get out of the relationship i build between myself and the ecosystem i create to cultivate food?
what is it about the PERPETUALITY of the cycles- seasons- of the natural world that provide me such hope and change in perspective?...id imagine it has to do with comfort in the credibility of the idea- pretty much KNOWING that after winter passes, spring sorta symbolizes rebirth
I like the idea of shamanism because it's simple to me, although not always easy to explain, since it has a lot to do with the psyche/feelings associated with perspective...
i find it poetic and comforting though
your thoughts?