Share your Cannabis story

He's DEFINITELY someones dirty crusty cumsock!

Ahem, well I WAS in the navy for a good long while.

I honestly don't know why you have such a fucken problem with me, but you should just let it go. I had to search the site for "sock" to try and figure out why you keep calling me that. You didn't have to put up with anyone being a complete dickhead to you continually when you joined the site right? Maybe you already could grow or whatever, that's cool, I'm still learning how. I love electronics and building things, and I'm really good at that. I came here to learn, and have some fun. Only started growing earlier this year, and this grow will be my 2nd "real" harvest. Not a whole lot of other plant growing of any kind, just some dwc tomatoes and peppers a while ago. Never claimed to be awesome at growing, never give out advice unless I'm "sure" I'm right. Started growing, legally, because my wife has MS, and weed really helps with her muscle spasms. I think I'm doing pretty well for how little experience I have.

I have two kids, both girls, one is going to be two soon, the other is eight.