Sharksbreath leaves turning white...???


I am at about the three week mark of my second attempt at growing and wanted you guys to help me diagnose my plant. I am growing in a cfl cab with about 100 watts on 6 plants right now. Three are autoflowering and the other three are regular. One of the regular plants, DNA Genetics Sharksbreath was growing good and healthy for a while but a some of her bottom leaves are starting to really yellow/white. They havent been on any nutes yet and the temps are now at about 80f after the first couple weeks where they were closer to 90-95f. Any help regarding this would be great.
420 021.jpg


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about's lower leaves the new growth still looks green.

pH-ed water?


The testers have been telling me it's at 6.5 ph but I honestly don't know how reliable they are.