Shatta's adventures in legal hell


Well-Known Member
Mid-may. Had a few puffs, went to get coffee. Pulled over for taking turn in wrong lane. Thought it was turning lane. My bad, my mistake officer. Officer Jimbob wouldn't let it go. Out of the car, roadside olympics (stand on your foot, wave your hands in your air like you just don't care, do backwards somersaults, do three cartwheels while saying you will suck the cop's dick, etc). Out come the cuffs. Officer Jimbob dramatically drops the line he's been waiting to say "I'm arresting you for suspicion of DUI." Back to the station. Joined by Jr. Officer Slim Chance who is the drug toxicology expert (after a thorough 2-week course). Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum play the jock shit tough guy game and ask me more questions and shine lights in my eyes and make me piss in a cup while the officer is basically standing next to me and make me blow in a machine. Rant to me about the heinousness of my crime for a bit more, interrogate me further including asking personal information then let me go while warning they will hunt me down if I drive stoned again.

Court date set. Contact public defender and arrange for representation. Public defender tells me that unknown to me, I am not required to take the roadside sobriety test. I could have simply refused that and refused to answer any questions (rather than admit to smoking, which I ended up doing because I feared prosecution after lying), and all they could have done is made me do the drug tests and that would be it. My PD is not optimistic about the outcome nor am I.

In court. Public defender informs me I am not likely going to get out of this. The best he can do is make it so at least i don't have to fucking come back to court yet again in August. I get $900 fine and 6 months license revocation with conditional license which means I cannot drive anywhere except work, urgent medical appointments, and a 3 hour "leisure window" on Sundays. Fuck i couldn't even have a real good lay in 3 hours. Shake public defender's hand (he was a decent dude), on the way out try to be a niceguy and shake cop court guard's hand. He's weird about it then puts his hand on my back and basically fucking pushes me out the door and says "get outta here". Fuck you you stupid fat bitch don't fucking touch me or I will sue your lard ass off and you will be living in a tent behind Walmart and i'll be selling YOU weed so you can deal with the shame and despair of being an ex law enforcement now penniless homeless bum.

In short, never, ever, ever give them anything to go off. They take an inch and go a mile so that they can make money, and they're usually pricks about it to boot. But you all prolly knew that.
NO COMMENT INTERVIEWS, that way they have to make a case out of it. well worth knowing if you ever get questioned by the police, no comment to each n every question
If i had known my rights that's exactly what I would have done. I could have just said i am not answering any questions and I want an attorney. They could have done nothing but take down basic info and drug test me. I never got the results of that test and because of the way I'm built it's likely there was very little THC actually in me. I could have gotten off.
sorry to herar about your legal problems, i just got busted myself and im still waiting to hear back about the charges if any. its an inconveniance as they have our work computers and our buisness is suffering for it. mine an ongoing investigation, so no telling how long it will go on for
sorry to herar about your legal problems, i just got busted myself and im still waiting to hear back about the charges if any. its an inconveniance as they have our work computers and our buisness is suffering for it. mine an ongoing investigation, so no telling how long it will go on for
Damn dood. I'm paranoid about even posting shit about growing online tbh these days now. Big brother are u watching? If so here's me flipping the bird
well its getting to the stage where they are going to have to legalise it as everyones growing it for themselves these days, so all its doing is wasting police time, and taxpayers money. tieing up the courts time and your doing the police a favour anyway, youve taken away the funds the go to organised crime, so your doing far more good for them in that respect then they could ever do.
ti have a feeling its coming sooner rather then later, but im not going to let them scare me into not growing. one plant at a time and its going to be CBD as thats what im into
well its getting to the stage where they are going to have to legalise it as everyones growing it for themselves these days, so all its doing is wasting police time, and taxpayers money. tieing up the courts time and your doing the police a favour anyway, youve taken away the funds the go to organised crime, so your doing far more good for them in that respect then they could ever do.
ti have a feeling its coming sooner rather then later, but im not going to let them scare me into not growing. one plant at a time and its going to be CBD as thats what im into
Yeah i'm growing mostly because i'm sick of getting ripped off and having to deal with sketchy people. I'm also planning on finishing college and i'm hoping to get a good stash for when i do so. Say i get a pound, then that's a pound of weed that isn't being sold by drug dealers who sell to college kids who are stupid and/or desperate enough to pay $40 for a gram and some change. I've been there.

CBD is cool, i tried the oil in a vape one time but didn't feel enough of anything for it to be worth what i spent. I just like ol fashioned green
Court ordered, employment requirement, USADA. All goes to medical buildings w drs and nurses. USADA sends then to you. Never never ever heard of someone pissing at PD
God damn them all to hell, fucking nickel and diming me a grand of my fucking hard earned bread for absolutely jack and saying i can't drive anywhere but work for 6 months to make them even more money, oh yeah forget about going to the fucking store, a fucking social life, 180 days out of my life and at this age that's a long time. Kiss my ass bitches. Not the left, not the right, in the middle. Yep. May you grow old and obsolete, lose status and power, your dick grow limp and impotent, your skin wrinkled as an elephant, you die of cardiac arrest from obesity and heart failure from eating fast food and sitting in a police cruiser, nothing to look back on as an old man on his deathbed but how many of the little men u bullied and how you were a bitch for the system. Rant over.