Shatter service needed


Well-Known Member
I have some bud, popcorn, and sugar leaf I'd like to get turned into shatter.

I was using someone on here and he was great but it seems he is going through some personal shit and kind of hard to get with at the moment.

Anyone have a referral?

how'd they do it? how much did they charge? i wouldn't mind paying somebody if they knew what they are doing and don't charge a shit ton for it.
Last time I used a guy on here and he did a beautiful job, I will give you his username if you want it, just PM me.

But that guy seems to be going through some personal shit at the moment and I am in a bit of a hurry, so I'm looking for a side shatter cook :D
He did it with butane, I think.

But he recently got some kind of press to make rosin, like 7500 pound press or something? 15,000 pound maybe, I don't remember.

cool. thanks! i've talked to a few that do co2 extractions but they only want to do a lot of quantity.

butane aint' my thang.

i would really love to find somebody who would make me e -vape juice. about a quart of that and i'd be set for awhile. lol.
I have some bud, popcorn, and sugar leaf I'd like to get turned into shatter.

I was using someone on here and he was great but it seems he is going through some personal shit and kind of hard to get with at the moment.

Anyone have a referral?


bud, popcorn, and sugar leaf - Remember quality in quality out.

I have a guy in Denver that makes rosin for me. Has a 20 ton press and 5x5 plates, does about an OZ per press, likes to do a lot at a time. He takes 20%(for me), I think he asks 35% but will deal. If it's trim/leaf he likes to make IWE first then press.

He comes though the Springs every week so can probably pickup and drop off.

cool. thanks! i've talked to a few that do co2 extractions but they only want to do a lot of quantity.

butane aint' my thang.

Same here brother. If you don't have a lab and a license I don't trust your backyard extracts, lol.
bud, popcorn, and sugar leaf - Remember quality in quality out.

I have a guy in Denver that makes rosin for me. Has a 20 ton press and 5x5 plates, does about an OZ per press, likes to do a lot at a time. He takes 20%(for me), I think he asks 35% but will deal. If it's trim/leaf he likes to make IWE first then press.

He comes though the Springs every week so can probably pickup and drop off.

Same here brother. If you don't have a lab and a license I don't trust your backyard extracts, lol.
I have seen plenty of licensed extract artist have their extracts turn up with fungicides/pesticides in their product.. How is that any safer than a backyard extract artist? The best, cleanest extracts I've ever seen are from home growers in the town I'm in now. Oh well, to each their own. Most of the good "backyard extract artist" won't blast your stuff anyways unless you have 10+ lbs of product to run.. They don't do little boy stuff..
I have seen plenty of licensed extract artist have their extracts turn up with fungicides/pesticides in their product.. How is that any safer than a backyard extract artist? The best, cleanest extracts I've ever seen are from home growers in the town I'm in now. Oh well, to each their own. Most of the good "backyard extract artist" won't blast your stuff anyways unless you have 10+ lbs of product to run.. They don't do little boy stuff..

Don't be such a defensive butthurt fgr. lol.

Enjoy your backyard blasted buds. As said, I personally don't trust home made solvent extracts. I don't care how much you paid for your CLS, pump, or oven. I generally don't do any solvent extracts anymore for that matter, but when I do, its from a professional lab and it's fire as hell.