Shatter womt stop bubbling under vac


Well-Known Member
I made some winterized shatter with 99.9% iso. It's under vac now.
At 110F it's not bubbling, however, if I increase the temp by 10-20 degrees it begins bubbling again.
Why does it do this? Should I leave it at the higher temp until bubbles stop? Or am I seeing evaporating terps?
Also my research showed that alcohol strips off the terpenes but this stuff smells pretty terpy.
I made some winterized shatter with 99.9% iso. It's under vac now.
At 110F it's not bubbling, however, if I increase the temp by 10-20 degrees it begins bubbling again.
Why does it do this? Should I leave it at the higher temp until bubbles stop? Or am I seeing evaporating terps?
Also my research showed that alcohol strips off the terpenes but this stuff smells pretty terpy.
Alcohol and cannabis essential love one another so I use 125F to purge.

Cannabinoids still decarboxylate at 125F, albeit slowly, so produce some fine fizzy CO2 bubbles even after the alcohol is gone.

Iso is a pungent alcohol, which you can taste and smell at less than 10% FDA residual solvent limits, If you have normal taste and can't taste it, you are ostensibly safe.
There are a plethora of vacuum pumps that will pull under 10000 microns/-29.5" Hg. What's your budget?
I'm just curious about the process bud it's not something I've thought about buying.

What do you connect the pump to, as in what is the vacuum chamber?
Here are a couple:

I've got a better idea now, I was thinking of close to a total vacuum hence the curiosity about the chamber itself.
I've seen comments regarding vacuum drying bud is that vacuum in the link suitable for bud?