she bit my tongue i punched her face officer!


Well-Known Member
Oh vince where have we gone wrong with you/????vinceoffer-slapchop.jpg The slapchop is a product bro not a way of life! It's a shame to see you like this thCAS6PW39.jpg lol, oh my it seems there will be no more infomercials in your immediate future! Wow am i high!


Well-Known Member
you'll have to excuse me guys i live in a cave where news travels slow! I still find it very funny even if it is old news! Yeah i hear ya about the tongue biting crownmeking! lol!


Well-Known Member
He picked up a hooker she bit him he hit her, i dont know that i'd get all hot and bothered by seeing vince this way, but hey i really dont care what you star im not in elementary school anymore. It was done to pick on vince not advocate domestic violence. Talk about trollin! lol!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
He picked up a hooker she bit him he hit her, i dont know that i'd get all hot and bothered by seeing vince this way, but hey i really dont care what you star im not in elementary school anymore. It was done to pick on vince not advocate domestic violence. Talk about trollin! lol!
Really? Judging by your choice of topic I beg to differ.


Dd you see his new infomercial for the body-away? If your hooker bites you, instead of hitting her just put her in the body-away. Se disappears with no remaining DNA evidence, avoiding embarrassing news photos and stories and prolonging your media career.

Lets get real this guys is a joke. All he ever did was talk on tv. A least LawrenceTaylor played football before he hit and raped women. And as evident in our current society that is all you need to do to get away with good at football.