shedding leaves during flower stage?

This plant is a week into flowering, and is shedding many leaves from mid to lower branches and im not sure if its a problem or not? the leaves that are falling arent yellow or anything, they just seem to be drying out, or just falling away without drying out. If anyone knows if this is a problem or if its normal please get back to me.



Well-Known Member
I would hazard to guess that this is a problem, but without a picture it is simply a educated guess.


Well-Known Member
J2 is right, could be many things. Pix would help. Besides drying up & falling off. U said they been only a week into flowering, could be shock, etc. Did u transplant them just a week ago & change light, nutrients? How long did they veg. for? Pix. please?


Sounds rather strange pics please?
also did you recently start adding some type of nutrient of maybe
you doubled up the concentration on accident?