shelflife of vac sealed bud


Well-Known Member
I have a bunch of little 'jelly jars'. I filled with weed, poked a hole in the top, and then vacuum bagged them. Sitting in da fridge.

So how long will it last (before it tastes like poo or has no high)?


Active Member
well depends.

in a cool environment, id think it would keep for a LOOOONg time.

the vacuming plus cold of your refer might add a certain amount of dryness, but it shouldnt be niticible unless you keep rebaging them.

it will never taste like poo, it might loose some flavor, but thats a hazard of any long term storage. just watch to see if the bags begin to lose their vacuumed appearance, cuz that will be the first sign of ripening/fermenting/rotting

and as long as you keep them in the dark/cool the thc will not signifigantly deteriorate for a few years. and even then unless it was shit to begin with it should still be pretty stone

ive always wondered if bagging with nitrogen might be helpfull.


New Member
i keep 4 lbs for my self every yr i use vacum bags and put in my freezer and they stay fresh as the day u 1st smoked sum and it cures while in there


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine found a bag that he had vacuum sealed 4 years prior while cleaning out his storage unit.

He got high and said it still tasted good.


Well-Known Member
Good to know. Thanks all.

I have plenty on hand, and rather not grow again until winter 2011. (don't smoke much)

I bagged a bunch of the little jars in bags. about 6-8 per bag. Can open take out a jar and re vac the rest. Do it should work well for me then going by the above comments.

Thanks again.

Brick Top

New Member
If the marijuana is to be stored for more than a few months, you can use a vacuum sealer (designed for storing food) to seal the marijuana in an airtight environment. If stored in a dark area that is between 40-55 degrees F, the marijuana in vacuum sealed plastic will remain potent for up to 5 years.

Dry marijuana can be stored in a frost-free freezer, but some of the THC on the outer part of the buds may be damaged when frozen. A refrigerator is in the right temperature range but they tend to be humid (unless you can control the humidity).

If stored in an area of high humidity for months or years, even vacuum sealed marijuana can eventually become as humid as the surrounding air. This will necessitate drying it again before smoking. But, unless mold develops, humidity itself will not degrade the THC or make the marijuana any less potent.

Light will degrade some of the THC, so dark containers can be used for storage. If you place the marijuana in a see through container, it will have to be located in a dark area that is not exposed to light or high temperatures.

Always make sure to properly dry your marijuana prior to storage, if you grow your own or if the stuff you have is very moist. And remember that to preserve marijuana potency at a maximum level, keep any exposure to air, heat, and light at a minimum.