Ship light conversions

Hey all,

what are your opinions on shop light conversions for grow lights? I have found some multi-tap 400w halide lights for around 30$ each. Includes bulb ballast and hoods. I figured I would be able to get around 3 of these for the price of 1 light built for growing. What would the pros and cons of this be?

I tried searching around but couldn't find much.



Well-Known Member
Go for it! 30$ ain't bad, and you can always go remote with the ballast pretty easy so you would have the ballast outside your grow area.
Thanks! I have some electrical experience, so I'm not too worried about wiring it up and everything. When thinking about lights per area and everything would I be able to consider them the same as any other 400w light? Or if not how much area would you expect 2 of these to cover?


Well-Known Member
Its ok, I wired my friends and removed the ballasst from grow space.
Working great for him,GL and Welcome to RIU.
