...shit childhood...

Ey dudes,

... got myself some seeds, some soil, and a nice indoor area... but 80% of the seeds which have sprouted are going through what looks like a fair shitty childhood :P


- when the SECOND set of spiked leves begin to grow, the FIRST set slowley get brown spots and begin to, what looks like, BURN! they dont drop off, just burn 3/4 and the plant continues to grow...

- i have had one plant go through this stage ...now at 6/7 weeks growing... and it's all lookin pretty good. The burning problems SEEM to go away once the plant gets larger leaves...

- miiight be too much light too early on? ...so i raised the lights (seen in the pic)

got some pics, plz check em out :)


ey cheers for replyin guys didn't expect it :D

well i dunno what 'Lockout' is haha, but i use tap water (which first i leave in an open container in the grow room)
not feeding yet either...

I don't think it's an overwatering issue cos (on purpose) i've left them without for a while (few weeks give or take...)

BUT come to think of it... maybe it's BECAUSE i have left them unwateder for a while, that the 2nd set of leaves are coming up ok... mayybe ... we play the waiting game.

Soil's just good potting mix from a garden shop, good drainage, seems to be working fine with the other (more mature) plants i has :P

>>> and dude with the Dimebag thing, ur a fukn legend <<< \m/ forever lol

guess we'll jus see how the next few sets of leaves come up...

thanks again guys :D