

Active Member
So I for several reasons recently had to move my plants outside, something I hadn't planned on needing to do and didn't think until I had them already moved about my fingerprints that are all over the pots I have them in. Anyone know of anything I can take out there and wipe them down with so they won't be able to pull prints? I don't have many so it wouldn't be that big of a pain compared to the paranoia I am having.

Thanks in advance guys.


Well-Known Member
I had some friends that would dip the tips of their fingers In rubberized coatig for tools. They used the clear one , they weren't growers. They also never got caught


Well-Known Member
rubbing alcohol would work I THINK. but i havent ever heard of leo fingerprinting pots but i wouldnt put it passed them.


Well-Known Member
I think it's the oils from your hands that leaves the prints, so something that removes oil/grease ought to do it... maybe just a rag wet with dishsoap water?
I wouldn't think they'd even bother with that though.


Well-Known Member
Finger prints are made from the oils from your fingers, so anything that cuts oil/grease would do just fine (eg. Windex). The prints don't need to be removed, they just need to be damaged enough to eliminate the details. Oils on paper can be an issue, because the oils absorb into the material-- don't know if prints can be left on weed fabric.


Well-Known Member
never know. small town cops seem to be more anxious to stop crime.. so much so that sometimes they create it.

just something to think about ;)

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
funny shit lol i had 125 in a house didnt fingerprint any got no further action as i wasnt on the rent book it was rented to joe bloggs for all i care seized my equipment but who gives a toss they will never stop me growing me on shit certainly aint buying off mugs anymore dont be para bro you will be fine trust good luck ws
Dude, they're not gonna bring out the mobile crime lab for your pot plants. Might want to try some weed that doesn't make you paranoid.


Well-Known Member
Small town cops dont have the means/equip to run tests usually ;)
Any modern police department has the capability to lift fingerprints and run them through the computer. I dont know if they would for a couple plants, but they could if they wanted too.


Well-Known Member
if it comes down to it just say you remember throwing those pots away, and someone must of picked em up to use lol.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
somebody already said it wd40 a light squirt and a bit of elbow grease, if you can't get that just wipe the pots down with a cloth and give them a good going over you'll be fine, i don't believe there's any need but if it'll help you sleep at night get it done so you don't have to worry


I just wonder what country you are living in if you are paranoid about some fingerprints. Be serious man.


Active Member
lol fingerprints :P All you got to do is wipe it with anything or smear your hand all over the pots.
Either way they wont fingerprint your pots, goddamn they don't even fingerprint stolen cars or goods.