Shitty droopy leaves


So I started my first grow about a week and a half ago. I got ten bc roadkill seeds from hempdepot and decided to germinate three in hopes of having one female. I sprouted them and everything was fine for a bit until about three or four days ago when I noticed one of my babies was starting to crap out. Then a day later I noticed it on the second plant. Although that one isnt nearly as bad and is still growing. I still have one plant that seems to be adapting quite well and looks healthy. I figured that it might be overwatering so I laid off that for a bit but that just didnt seem to do the trick. Do you thing this could be caused by some sort of heat stress or nutrient defiency. I havent added any nutes yet so I am pretty sure it is not nute burn but I am using schultz moisture plus potting soil, Which could maybe cause this? Anyways ill show you the picture of the worst plant so you might have a better insight on what might be wrong. O ya I have 1 45 watt cfl 2 42 watt cfls 1 40 watt cfl and 1 23 watt cfl for light.(sorry for the shitty quality ill try to find my good camera later)

my guess is overwatering or ph, however from those pics I dont see too much going wrong. Let the soil dry out real nice before you water again and see if they dont perk up a bit