SHIVA SATIVA.....S.A.S......Sativa Appreciation Society! for lovers of SATIVA...


Well-Known Member
im hearing you and im with you brother..
ive just come back from a market shopping experience with some sativa in my cortex and it was great!

Just been informed that Clint Eastwood is NOT happy unless hes smokin sativa!!!!...........B.
Dam Clint blowing, well there goes another hero, must have been all those westerns in Mexico LOL


Well-Known Member
Most of my life sativa mexican brown seeded shit is all that was available. Past 10 years with dispensaries and the like, I've turned to Indica for most of my medical needs. Sativa, at least at night, is too speedy for me (unless I'm socializing/partying etc) I like the laid back painkilling properties of Indica for the most part. Too many nights in the past I've smoked sativa and laid in bed for an hour or two with my heart pounding