Shld i harvest please help

I have 8 outdoor plants. The leaves on most have already faded an dropped off. Although on some plants there are real small buds starting on lower levels. Also there are still long white hairs on some. How do i know they are ready to harvest? what an how should i harvest them? Ill include pics16600505413948472990045605677842.jpg16600506612264755873407780141848.jpg16600506762976799948010877230025.jpg


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Some have orange hairs some half white half orange and it still looks like theres more pods going to grow underneath. Its my first grow so any advice wld be awseome20220805_195219.jpg20220805_195108.jpg20220805_195127.jpg20220805_195048.jpg20220805_195149.jpg20220805_195140.jpg
I see that but that’s really not what determines when it’s done all of those white pistols will go away and the bud will become darker and more defined. I know it sounds like a long time an additional 4 to 6 weeks but trust me those will get a lot bigger and look a lot better and smoke a lot smoother if you let them go a while longer
Ya look at bottoms of plants, they look they they hav more to grow, also what shld i do about trimming at this point some of the bigger leaves have started to die but like up at top an stuff do i leave the long only leaf branches16600514765122990321977326413083.jpg1660051505635186308831485304526.jpg16600516443937439248179099245924.jpg
Honestly unless it’s extremely bushy I don’t do any defoliating outside. I would just continue doing whatever it is you’re doing it and let them go while longer if you have questions just posting see if you get the right answers are looking for
What shld i be feeding them at this point ive only been doing neptunes harvest 2-4-1 fertilizer 1 time a week an watering later in the day every 2 days. Anyone think i shld use different food now or different watering schedule?
I would get whatever you can that has basically no nitrogen as it’s not needed now and get something higher in potassium and phosphorus
Some have orange hairs some half white half orange and it still looks like theres more pods going to grow underneath. Its my first grow so any advice wld be awseomeView attachment 5177645View attachment 5177646View attachment 5177647View attachment 5177648View attachment 5177649View attachment 5177650
Dude you've done an amazing job for your first grow. Listen to the "consensus" of folks around here about when to harvest. You should be proud, well done so far!
Well, I know it´s not all about THC, but see this and you decide, A for seedlings, B,C cuttings, regular strains:


cit.: "During the reproductive stage, total THC content increased strongly with plant age and reached the highest level during the fifth or the sixth week postflowering in each set. Highest total THC concentrations (mean € SD) were 18.91 € 0.86%, 16.52 € 3.02%, and 22.50 € 2.65% in sets A, B, and C, respectively (Fig. 2). After a short plateau, the peak concentrations were followed by a decline in total THC content that is considered the onset of senescence of the plants."

And here is for terpenes:

F.P.-flowering period, about day 100....

So when to harvest is never easy to say. Depends on your conditions, risks and deseases. Sometimes it could be O.K. to harvest in week 6, sometimes week 12. The longer flowering, the higher yeld and terpenes, but THC concentration could drop.
I’m in the same boat and got the same feedback! It’s my first grow and the buds look like they can be picked but there’s like another month to go lol.7D8D6575-E6DE-4633-B335-C367E38CA3AE.jpeg
Run plant as long as needed regardless of calendars or charts……. Thc charts mean nothing to your grow as most of those results are under “ controlled “ grows in lab or otherwise.

Give them the best grow conditions - light / genetics / feed and care will dictate the success of individual grows.

The mains will be the most productive of that plant - you can even harvest those when done and continue the lowers to finish and harden.

Charts mean nothing to the plant.
All my leaves not the buds are turning brown an falling off. Someone said that they all are suppose to turn brown an die before the harvest? Is this true?