shock flowering


Active Member
:joint:o.k fuckers i just started 12/12 is it a good idea to give it 24 dark to really send the message home?:peace:lol love this onekiss-ass


Well-Known Member
some do some don't simple as that. and i haven't seen any scientific evidence to back either side. experiment away and let us know how your results are


Well-Known Member
I find with more sativa dominant varieties 48 hours dark does push them into flower a little quicker than just going straight to 12/12, but more importantly they tend not to stretch so much in the first weeks of flower.

Just my experience tho and I have heard that this practice can stress your plants into becoming a little on the hermie side, never happened to me tho.

Try it you might like it ;-) or if your cautious like me then give half your plants the shock treatment and half not, that way if the worse happens you can only go half wrong.