Shoplifting misdemeanor..never read me my rights??


Well-Known Member
I was trying to get an
[h=3]N600 Wireless USB Adapter
out of wally world.. because my computer needed internet..and im unemployed;I was working for a moving company and got let go..and i have a GF that i love and want to support. I know Karma kicked my ass, i know stealing is wrong. i know that i effed up. I haven't posted on here in a long time because of other addictions and life in general. I'm asking if anyone has any experience with this, or something similar.[/h]Long story short i was apprehended at the front gates before i got into the parking lot by 1 ex-marine who grabbed me by the hand and took me into a side room. There was 5 diff people, including the walmart manager in there just BERATING me with insults and questions. These guys were ex-military/police officers that dress casually in walmart and catch criminals like myself.. Court is on Oct. 11th ...My question is, since i was never read my rights by the arresting officer, or the officer in walmart, or when i got to the detention center, is there any chance i can get this case thrown out? OR the fact that ex-marine midget guy grabbed me forcefully? I know they have me on camera, they can look it up if they yes i'm guilty, but im looking for a legal loophole or ANYTHING. My career and future is at stake. I want to at least get help, enough for a plea bargain with the judge. I have 2 misdemeanors for simple poss. already(both were ridiculous occurences), my bond was 470$ that i need to find a way to get it expunged, or at least over a few yrs gaurantee that it will be.

I don't even know if i'll be eligible for grants/loans to go back to school. I'm where i consider to be ROCK fuckin bottom right now. No money, no job, and low chances of finding a good one.

If anyone knows anything, has advice, or gives a crap about my situation, please respond. I'm a good person at heart, i want to go back to school and study web-design..just anything. I'm tired of living in this State(SC) and i'm ready to fix my life. But it seems companies down here won't give me a 2nd chance, when they see my backround..they just throw me aside. no consideration period.

thanks for taking the time to read..this helped me vent a little.
ok, i'll simplify it..Have cases been thrown out due to the arresting officer's not reading the victims rights?
man up. you did it, pay for it. everybody looking for loopholes and failing to stand up and be a responsible person is whats leading this country to hell. its great you can say it on here, but stand up in front of the judge and say it, i messed up your honor, it was very stupid your honor, im very sorry your honor, i will do what it takes to make it right your honor. you will never see me again your honor. you might be surprised and you might feel better about yourself.
I just google'd the Miranda rights issue, and it just means they can't use anything i said against me. IF they try and accuse me of something i said while in custody. But yes, that's exactly how it's going to go in front of the judge in Oct....And if i end up having to do 30 days in least i'll come out clean. Find a job..get some private loans and go back to school. Show the world that my past record doesn't define who I am or can be.
man up. you did it, pay for it. everybody looking for loopholes and failing to stand up and be a responsible person is whats leading this country to hell. its great you can say it on here, but stand up in front of the judge and say it, i messed up your honor, it was very stupid your honor, im very sorry your honor, i will do what it takes to make it right your honor. you will never see me again your honor. you might be surprised and you might feel better about yourself.

IMHO this is the honorable and right thing to do.
dont steal, even from wally world, wtf

no offense but opportunistic thieves are the worst

and if you dont have a job, you need to be looking for work(oh ya and you dont need the internet to do it, its a tool not necessity) , not stealing from stores
I just google'd the Miranda rights issue, and it just means they can't use anything i said against me. IF they try and accuse me of something i said while in custody. But yes, that's exactly how it's going to go in front of the judge in Oct....And if i end up having to do 30 days in least i'll come out clean. Find a job..get some private loans and go back to school. Show the world that my past record doesn't define who I am or can be.

It's a way out of your situation; so go for it.
You are not going to get any jail time for misdemeanor theft. Most likely you are going to get nailed with court cost, fines and community service. Make your public defender, which if you are truly unemployed then you will qualify for one, and judge well aware of the fact that you are already financially burdened. Request serving your community and keeping yourself busy through community service rather than putting you in a worse situation with fines. Most big box stores have their security personal go through training programs which qualify them to apprehend you. While they cannot use what you said against you due to not reading you your rights promptly, you still are caught red handed. Just get yourself prepared and start doing whatever it is going to take to get your life going in the right direction. QUIT spending your money on your addictions if you are broke!!
Appreciate the advice/stone throwing. Yea there were camera's and whatnot in the interrogation room..i said nothing incriminating anyways, let'em try and use video. Even otw to the detention center the officer didnt say a word. Lotsa cameras in that car too.
I could be completely off but ive worked for Walmart before and they are told not to even go near a shop lifter its against their policy and would raise their insurance through the roof if they had employee's trying to stop shoplifters. I have personally watched people steal and walk to the exit and have security cameras called to "X" and have a manager attempt to stop them by blocking the way and asking if they have paid for everything and the person just walk straight out. Stealing anything electronic is a big no-no though. I would push to get all the video evidence you can because their system is flawed in my eyes for how security cameras is handled and they may fuck up and get the wrong one.

On a lighter note its not a joke when people say that the highest stolen items during the weekend are pregnancy tests and condoms.
Ive been there. Lucky me I was still a minor. My advice would be go ask talk to a laywer.

It absolutely can be taken care of, you just need money.
I could be completely off but ive worked for Walmart before and they are told not to even go near a shop lifter its against their policy and would raise their insurance through the roof if they had employee's trying to stop shoplifters. I have personally watched people steal and walk to the exit and have security cameras called to "X" and have a manager attempt to stop them by blocking the way and asking if they have paid for everything and the person just walk straight out. Stealing anything electronic is a big no-no though. I would push to get all the video evidence you can because their system is flawed in my eyes for how security cameras is handled and they may fuck up and get the wrong one.

On a lighter note its not a joke when people say that the highest stolen items during the weekend are pregnancy tests and condoms.

It is not there policy when dealing with loss prevention.Since he was apprehended it had to be from LP and they do have the right to stop you. Miranda is only if they want to use anything said against you and since they have the tapes they don't need anything else.Put your big boy pants on and save me and every other tax payer some hard earned money. Just go in, plead guilty, and take your slap on the pee pee.
You write as if you are a minor.

"Under hypnosis" create memories of the guard touching your penis. Watch TV all day tomorrow. Whichever lawyer advertises the most, hire! In general, hire a lawyer and bring suit against Walmart for molesting you. Make sure to name the arresting Wallay-Guard and manager of the store.

Ask for $1,000,000 each. They won't want news trucks in the parking lot. They'll put an end to all of this right away.
former Marine..not ex..the only ex Marines are the ones who got dishonorably discharged..learn something new everyday.
I could be completely off but ive worked for Walmart before and they are told not to even go near a shop lifter its against their policy and would raise their insurance through the roof if they had employee's trying to stop shoplifters. I have personally watched people steal and walk to the exit and have security cameras called to "X" and have a manager attempt to stop them by blocking the way and asking if they have paid for everything and the person just walk straight out. Stealing anything electronic is a big no-no though. I would push to get all the video evidence you can because their system is flawed in my eyes for how security cameras is handled and they may fuck up and get the wrong one.

On a lighter note its not a joke when people say that the highest stolen items during the weekend are pregnancy tests and condoms.

relevant protip: dollar store pregnancy tests are as reliable as the fancy name brand ones. hell, you can even get 3 if you want to be sure. i really want more people to know this. free condoms are easy to come by, also. most places that cater to young people have a bowl of them on the counter.